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LETTER: Giving Thanksgiving thanks to Newmarket post office

Packages from Ukraine that were incompletely and incorrectly addressed were successfully delivered due to extra effort of Canada Post staff
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This is not a complaint. It is a compliment.

Recently, two large boxes were sent from the Ukraine to the Newmarket postal station. The boxes had incomplete information. They had a name, the town spelled Netmarket not Newmarket and the postal code but no street address.

The name was no help because the person the packages were addressed to had recently arrived in Canada.

My understanding is the Newmarket postal station held the first box and working with some small clue on the second box figured out the mystery.

What a thoughtful, helpful service!

The contents of the packages are not valuable except as family treasures. The contents are some of the few things remaining from a home and family destroyed by war.

These small items will be discussed and passed down for generations. A good part of that story will include “the kindness of the Canadian Post Office people in Newmarket”.

Thank you for what you have done and for how well you have done it. It is a tale for Thanksgiving dinners for years to come.

Philip Smith