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RE: Liberals, NDP square off in lone Newmarket-Aurora candidates event, Feb. 13, 2025.
Why was Dawn Gallagher Murphy not at the Newmarket-Aurora all-candidates meeting Feb 12?
Do "other commitments" outweigh one of the few opportunities to face her constituents in person and present her case to support herself as a representative of the Doug Ford Progressive Conservative government?
Why did someone who has never gone through a nomination process in the last two election cycles not have the guts to face her constituency, during such a contentious election period?
Was she "instructed" not to attend by her party leader?
Is she just scared to stand up to the general public and present her support for the behaviour of Doug Ford and the Ontario Conservative Party?
Remember when there used to be a "Progressive Conservative Party" in Ontario and Canada? At this point in time, centre right seems more authentic than populist.
The current Ontario Conservatives do not deserve our support or respect.
Richard Wheler