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Once again, a provincial all-candidates forum in the Newmarket-Aurora riding was held without the Progressive Conservative candidate and most recent MPP Dawn Gallagher Murphy. The organizers were informed two days prior that the PC candidate was not available. Last provincial election, two-all candidate forums were held and the PC candidate did not show up to either one.
All-candidate meetings are a foundational component of the election process and essential to enable citizens to ask questions and provide information to the candidates about voters' major concerns. It is both an input and output process informing all participants about the key issues and how the candidates plan to address them.
It is highly disrespectful if a candidate hides and does not participate in this process. What is a voter to think when they come to ask questions and the candidate that was the sitting MPP is not there to hear and listen?
Given that the meeting on Feb. 12 would appear to be the only opportunity for an all-candidates event, one would think a candidate would ensure their ability to participate was paramount. But apparently it was not important enough for the PC candidate.
An open house of a candidate is not the same, as it does not allow for the comparison of platforms and is not set up to facilitate questions and debate. It is highly cynical to hide the candidate during a campaign hoping that no exposure to ideas and platforms will lead to apathy and low voter turnout.
It especially important for the candidate of the governing party to be held accountable and answerable for government decisions.
Do not vote for a candidate who does not respect a fundamental democratic process or you as a voter. If Dawn Gallagher Murphy boycotts all-candidates forums, exercise your boycott by voting for another candidate.
For the record, Denis Heng of the NDP and Chris Ballard of the Liberals attended a meeting that resulted in a very robust discussion of issues important to the voters of Newmarket-Aurora. The Green Party was unable to attend due to issues regarding registering their nominee as an official candidate for this election.
Vote for those who show up.
Russ Coles