Millions of people will not die. HIV therapies will not be withheld and the needed treatments will continue to flow.
I agree with the need to fund these types of programs, but why is it the US responsibility to do so? The vast majority of these drugs are either generic or provided at low or no cost by either Indian generic manufactures or by the US based multi-nationals.
USAID is not the benevolent entity the media portraits. Global NGOs have been the main benefactor under the guise of civil society organizations. They have deep ties the US intelligence communities and have have refined their community organizing and lawfare strategies to change governments and destabilize societies around the world.
USAID does what the CIA can not do. (The CIA needs presidential approval for actions taken, where as USAID does not)
Why are NGOs upset, but these foreign leaders are not?
Because the know what USAID actually was.
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Our economy is under treat and this is what they are wasting time on?
How about spending time looking for ways to cut needless regulations that hold back business growth and keep people employed?
Another example of governments wasting time and money on useless ideas.
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Replying to Anonymous:
The tax payers do not "give away" money from oil and gas companies. That is a fallacy and and their profits are not gleaned from government grift. They are made from investing and risk taking in a capital intense industry. All that we have in our modern society is built on the energy they produce, and the inputs that go into plastics and synthetics that make our world work. A position otherwise is rooted in a fundamental lack of understanding of how economies work...Period!
This magical thinking about a green energy transition is one of the greatest shake downs ever. Look at the trillions spent by governments on battery plants that will never open, charging stations that don't exist, and the enrichment of the global NGO class.
This whole mess is crashing down because people are becoming wise to it's foolishness.
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"As citizens, the work continues, too. It’s critical to hold governments accountable and support the changes needed for a cleaner, more prosperous future for our children."
Okay! You guys have been in charge of the discussion and government policy for the last decade. You claim you want a more prosperous future for our children?!
Seems to me a decade ago we were more prosperous. Energy, housing, food, materials all cost less. The climate grifters and zealots have given us windmills, solar panels and carbon taxes and we are all poorer for it.
Collectively we have spend trillions globally to fund all this nonsense and what do we have to show for it? Nothing other than these same people saying we need to do MORE of what is not working.
NetZero is done. Never gonna happen...Why? Because corporate and government leaders have realized it is an unworkable and unachievable socialist unicorn dream.
Time to move on from this and get back to sane energy and economic policy.
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"Unfortunately, private enterprise is reluctant to build pipelines these due to economic uncertainty."
The reason why there is uncertainty is because those that worshipped at the alter of St Greta determined that oil, gas and pipelines were the enemy.
Now when the hard cold facts of reality have kicked in the door we need to give them certainty?
The only way past this is to create the worlds freest and competitive economy by unleashing the power of the private sector, not more government overreach and planning.
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I am a very proud Canadian, with a love of this country and the incredible history that makes us unique. Our historical achievements have made us one of the true envies of the world.
Sadly, we are under threat and our economy is clearly at risk.
While I appreciate everything that the people in this article are doing, it amounts to little more than virtue signaling and will do nothing to actually make us stronger.
For too long many in this country took it for granted that our prosperity would be guaranteed forever. We put in place economic policies that effectively declared war on the business community all under the guise of "fairness, equity and environmental justice"
None of these buy local, buy Canadian and flag waving exercises are going to lead us to lasting prosperity.
We need real economic policies that drive growth and innovation. Ones that reward risk taking and are market based. Not ones of political expediency.
If we don't, we will all lose.
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"Finally, the conservation authority will also receive $412,700 to reduce phosphorus loads to Lake Simcoe by prioritizing agricultural best practices and assessing their effectiveness under climate change."
Tell me...How are you going to measure the successful effectiveness of this?
In order to do this you need to look at it before climate change and after climate change. There needs to be a comparator...Tell us what that is...Are there secret armies of statisticians plowing through massive reams of data to pull this off?
This is the problem that many people have with these hand outs. All this money is given to NGOs and there is not a real measurement of success.
We have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on all this climate stuff and they have absolutely nothing to show for it in terms of actual success....Except to virtue signal and show how much they care...To buy votes...
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“It is the most flawed policy direction I have ever seen in my 19 years (in politics),”
This is the problem. A career politician who has never run a business and has always been paid by other people's money,
He comes from a long line of Liberals, and here he is complaining about inflation, and needing more money. His friends have been in charge for years and their policies have lead us here.
Yes Canada faces a grave threat to it's economy, but this is what you get when you make life unmanageable for business. Funny people want all the benefits of capitalism, the jobs, the taxes, and the progress yet we have politicians who fail to nurture the needed environment to succeed that provides those exact benefits.
Good example is oil. We declare war on pipelines and oil companies then get mad when Trump slaps a 10% tariff. Now we want other markets. Remember our leaders said there was no business case?
Our leaders have done this to us. Time for a change.
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The reasons for these business's closing is not due to high rents but a failure of their business model. As a business your goal is to turn a profit and make money. In order to do that you need to have a business plan.
That business plan needs to be based on solid insights and the costs associated with running the business. But you also need customers with a need. That need translates in to sales only if you can demonstrate that you have the right product and service at the right price.
Governments have a role. That role should only be to keep taxes and regulations as low as possible to allow the business to thrive and grow by investing more into the things that drive sales. Not giving them shared space.
I have seen and met too many people who say. "Hey I want to open a candle shop only to see it fail because they did not understand the customer need, and the costs of running a business to meet that need. That is on them.
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No listings have been posted by JohnEMac
“Any one of the four (leadership candidates) would have been great, but I’ve bet on my instincts all my life, and I knew in my bones that he was the right choice,”
Amazing instincts.
She owned the best restaurant location in Newmarket. Amazing view, great patio, foot traffic beyond belief...
Oh wait...It closed...Because no one went...Why?
Great instincts....
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