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Whiteouts making travel 'incredibly dangerous' in Bradford area

South Simcoe Police reporting multiple collisions along a stretch of County Road 27 Thursday afternoon

Weather conditions have closed roads and caused numerous crashes in the west end of Bradford this afternoon.

In a social media post issued Thursday just before 3 p.m., South Simcoe police noted “extremely hazardous” weather with “whiteout visibility (is) making travel incredibly dangerous” in the Bradford and Innisfil area. 

Officers have responded to multiple crashes in the area of County Road 27 and Line 9 in Bradford.

“All affected roads in the area are closed as officers continue to respond and investigate … while working with other services,” South Simcoe said in the post. “The (extent) of injuries are still being assessed and remain ongoing. The timeline for reopening the roads remains unknown.”

One photo, shot by the department, shows an Ornge Air Ambulance helicopter on scene.

“Please AVOID the area to allow police to conduct their duties and avoid all travel if possible,” the post reads. “Your cooperation is crucial for everyone's safety!”



Chris Simon

About the Author: Chris Simon

Chris Simon is an award-winning journalist who has written for publications throughout Simcoe County and York Region. He is the current Editor of BradfordToday and InnisfilToday and has about two decades of experience in the sector
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