South Simcoe Police, along with Georgian Bay Search and Rescue, have been searching for missing Bradford teen Siem Zerezghi since 8 a.m. today and wrapped up for the evening at nightfall.
So far the police and rescue team have covered 2-1/2 square kilometres of ground, while the canine unit has travelled more than 35 kilometres in the search.
The large-scale ground search will resume tomorrow morning.
Fifteen-year-old Siem was last seen by his family in the Professor Day Drive and Northgate Drive area on Friday, Oct. 23.
He is about 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 11 inches in height and was wearing a blue windbreaker and blue Nike slide sandals with socks.
Police are asking residents to check their sheds and backyards to look for any signs of someone residing there.
Anyone who has any information on the his whereabouts is asked to contact police.
If you would like to provide anonymous information, contact Det. Const. Adam Walther at 905-775-3311, ext 1035 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477. #FindSiem