Having a safe place to lay your head down at night is a simple luxury; one that many people in our community don’t have. Those experiencing homelessness often struggle to find a place to stay, which becomes even more crucial during the cold winter months.
Inn from the Cold is a local shelter that’s a haven for anyone experiencing homelessness and a lifeline to some of the most vulnerable people in York Region. Powered by the work of experienced and dedicated staff and volunteers, Inn from the Cold supports the needs of these people who are homeless or who are at risk of becoming homeless.
Executive Director Ann Watson explains how their organization works to help build a better life for their clients.
“We take a housing focus to everything we do,” Watson said. “Our goal is to move people from being homeless to being homed. We are programs and services for people experiencing homelessness, but our focus is watching them leave homelessness and leave it for good.”
What started as a seasonal shelter in 2004 as a refuge during the winter months has evolved into a year-round shelter with a continuum of services to help homeless individuals get back on their feet.
One major way Inn from the Cold can provide these services is through their cornerstone fundraising program, the Coldest Night of the Year Walk. On February 22, 2025, individuals or teams are welcome to take part.
“As Canadians, we know that winter can be hard,” Watson said. “I think it hits home the second you walk out the door that no one should be outside trying to survive in that kind of weather.
“When you go for a walk on one of the colder nights of the year, you understand more about people’s experience. It reminds us of the danger of being outside that time of year, but also the importance of having a home to go home to.”
This past year’s Coldest Night of the Year in Newmarket had over 400 participants and the event raised over $150,000 for Inn from the Cold. For the 2025 event, they’re hoping to raise $95,000. In the past, these funds have spearheaded two of Inn from the Cold’s signature programs.
“The Inn Team” is an employment social enterprise partially funded by Coldest Night of the Year, and “Please Come Inn” is a housing initiative which has placed 22 people in safe spaces in the community.
Coldest Night of the Year helps shine a light on the struggles that homeless people face every day, and by spending a few hours walking outdoors, it brings that stark reality into perspective.
It’s thanks to the generosity of the community members that Inn from the Cold can continue to be a beacon of hope for people experiencing chronic homelessness in York Region. Coldest Night of the Year is one way you can get involved to make the future brighter for these individuals.
“There’s not this idea that poverty and insecurity are not Canadian, Newmarket or Bowmanville problems,” Watson said. “It’s now a lot more obvious than it was in the past, and this is that direct line. Your participation matters. Our clients are there thanking people, and we burst that stereotype. People can feel part of their community and part of making something better for someone else.”
Coldest Night of the Year in Newmarket happens on February 22, 2025. To register as an individual or a team, visit the Coldest Night of the Year website.
If you’re interested in being an event sponsor, or for more information about the crucial work Inn from the Cold provides York Region, visit InnfromtheCold.ca.