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Newmarket Ward 6 acclaimed councillor: Kelly Broome

NewmarketToday provided each municipal election candidate in Newmarket with the following questionnaire to submit. The responses have not been edited or altered. Word counts have been strictly enforced.
Acclaimed Ward 6 Councillor Kelly Broome

Name:  Kelly Broome

Position for which you are running: Ward 6 Councillor

Do you reside in the ward in which you are running (council candidates): Yes

Outline your background/experience (100-word limit):

I support my motto that community, charity and public service are things we all should contribute to. Living in Ward 6 since 1996 and raising a family has given me the opportunity to reach into the lives of my community, learning and giving my time to multiple organizations, community groups, schools and charities. I am the Vice Chair of the Women's Centre of York Region Board of Directors, Chair for Sir William Mulock SS, school council member for Clearmeadow PS, director for the Newmarket Public Library Board, Run Walk for Southlake, Trinity Glen Housing Corp, and Smart Commute Central York.

What are the top four qualities required to be an effective municipal representative? (4-word limit):
1.  Communication
2.  Engaged
3.  Relationships
4.  Experience

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate. (100-word limit):

As the Town of Newmarket’s Ward 6 Acclaimed Candidate my 28 years of experience in Relationship and Community Building skills have proven to be effective in bringing results for the Ward 6 community and improving the lives of our residents.  Living in Ward 6 for the last 22 years has given me the opportunity to be an active participant in building strong neighbourhoods. Currently I participate in four of our Ward 6 Schools Clearmeadow, Armitage, Terry Fox and Sir William Mulock, and will enjoy a 4th year as a director for the Trinity Glen Housing Board located within our Armitage Village Community.  

What are the two most important issues for your ward/constituents? (200-word limit):

Building Strong Safe Communities: Changing our driving habits by changing our environment has been a theme I heard around our Ward 6 neighbourhoods.  Residents have concerns about both speeding and traffic volumes in all Ward 6 Neighbourhoods. Armitage Village, Summerhill South and now Summerhill North are entering our third year of traffic calming in order to encourage residents on our local streets to slow down. A significate increase in solar mounted speed boards has been an asset, and earlier this year a speed reduction was approved by the region for Mulock Drive and a traffic light for Clearmeadow and Bathurst.  In listening to Ward 6 residents ... 

Parks, Recreation, and Trails has seen great success over the past four years which has created an interest from residents looking to be more involved in the process.   More community Open Houses looking for public input are needed to ensure we are making the right choices for enhancements to our local parks, recreation and trails.  Our age demographic within our neighbourhoods are changing and parks and parkettes notably within the Armitage Village and William Dunn Community area need further consideration in planning and participation from staff, members of council and from our community.


What will you do to ensure you are accountable to your constituents? (50-word limit):

I have provided strong communication to Ward Six residents through my annual community reports, monthly newsletters, events and Ward meetings where I personally inform residents of everything that is going on in Council and in the Community.   In the next term I will provide even more Community Gathering opportunities within ...

What is the most important issue for council/school board to address in the next term? (100-word limit):  

a) Most import for council: Community engagement and participation.  One of Council’s Strategic Priorities for our 2014-2018 was Community Engagement I really started to see an increase in participation.   Working with a variety of difference ways to connect both in person, online, children friendly or finding unique opportunities to “POP UP” in the community to engage. ...

b) Most important for council/school board: Walkable safe School Zones in the winter have been a challenge in our schools and parents and children are finding it increasingly difficult to find a safe route to school during the winter months.  Parents want to ...

Describe your dream project that would result in a better quality of life in Newmarket. (100-word limit):  

Much efficiency can be found between the Town of Newmarket and the School Boards and I would like to see a task force established in the next term to achieve collaboration, communication and efficiencies for Newmarket families.  

Answer Yes or No? (1-word limit):

Should salaries be reduced for the mayor and councillors?   No

Are taxes too high for the services provided to residents?  No

Do you support tax increases to pay for the purchase of properties, such as Mulock Estates? Yes

Should opening a second branch of Newmarket Public Library be a top priority for the next term? No

Should the town continue to give incentives and loans to Main Street businesses as part of its revitalization strategy?  Yes

Should the town provide additional incentives to developers to encourage more affordable rental units? Yes

Should councillors be required to provide more fully itemized and detailed expense reports, accessible online at no cost to the public? Yes

Should the mayor and councillors block followers on their town social media accounts? No

Should there be fixed terms for councillors? No






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