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Newmarket Ward 1 council candidate: Naqi Ahsan

NewmarketToday provided each municipal election candidate in Newmarket with the following questionnaire to submit. The responses have not been edited or altered. Word counts have been strictly enforced.
Town of Newmarket Ward 1 council candidate Naqi Ahsan

Name: Naqi Ahsan 

Position for which you are running: Councillor - Ward 1

Do you reside in the ward in which you are running (council candidates): Yes 

Outline your background/experience (100-word limit):

Hello everyone, I have lived in Newmarket with my family for 16 years and am passionate about our community.

I have over 35 years of work experience, am a business owner, have degrees in mathematics and business, enjoy contributing positively to our wonderful community by volunteering at Inn From The Cold and Southlake Hospital.  I am also an active member and Past Chair of the Southlake Corporate Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC). I was honoured to receive Canada’s 150th Anniversary Medal for Volunteer Service. This is a testament to my long-term commitment to community service.

What are the top four qualities required to be an effective municipal representative? (4-word limit):

  1. Accessible

  2. Responsive

  3. Responsible

  4. Reliable  

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate. (100-word limit):

My experience, education and community engagement make me a perfect candidate. In my consulting business I had clients in private and public sectors. As a project manager I successfully implemented multimillion-dollar projects on time and within budget. These skills and experiences are essential in analyzing budget, finding savings and efficiencies, and allocating funds to competing priorities.

All my professional and volunteer activities are tied to helping others. I have the passion, commitment, enthusiasm and time to represent Ward 1. I will be accessible, responsive and responsible to you and look forward to continuing my community service journey as your Councillor.

What are the two most important issues for your ward/constituents? (200-word limit):

  1. Property Taxes: In my career I have developed a solid business foundation. I will use these essential skills and experiences to find savings, efficiencies, new revenue sources and ensure tax dollars are being spent wisely in a transparent and accountable manner.

  2. Road and Neighbourhood Safety: Talking to residents I got the message loud and clear this is very important to them. This is a cornerstone of my platform and have a detailed plan to address it.

What will you do to ensure you are accountable to your constituents? (50-word limit):

I believe being accessible and responsive are essential to being accountable to constituents. I will work collaboratively by holding open houses and make myself available through various communication channels preferred by the constituents.

What is the most important issue for council/school board to address in the next term? (100-word limit):

To support new rental and affordable housing projects including a mix of townhomes, condos and apartment buildings for seniors (our volunteer base), youth (our future) and employers so they have an ample supply of workforce when considering opening new businesses in Newmarket.

Describe your dream project that would result in a better quality of life in Newmarket. (100-word limit):

Establish a technology and business hub under one roof to support entrepreneurs and grow our workforce in Newmarket. Partner with businesses and venture capitalists for funding to bring innovative ideas to fruition.

Answer Yes or No (1-word limit):

Should salaries be reduced for the mayor and councillors? Yes

Are taxes too high for the services provided to residents? Yes

Do you support tax increases to pay for the purchase of properties, such as Mulock Estates? Yes

Should opening a second branch of Newmarket Public Library be a top priority for the next term? No

Should the town continue to give incentives and loans to Main Street businesses as part of its revitalization strategy? Yes

Should the town provide additional incentives to developers to encourage more affordable rental units? Yes

Should councillors be required to provide more fully itemized and detailed expense reports, accessible online at no cost to the public? Yes

Should the mayor and councillors block followers on their town social media accounts? No

Should there be fixed terms for councillors? Yes


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