The Town of Newmarket is preparing to add a new trail and “breathing space” next to the Church of Christ but promises no changes coming to the nearby place of worship.
The town is self-applying for an official plan amendment and zoning bylaw amendment to the section of the 230 Davis Dr. property it owns. The objective is to extend green space on the property to create a new breathing space and trail connection.
Director of planning and building services Jason Unger said the town is looking for opportunities for green spaces with more intensification coming along Davis Drive and Yonge Street.
“These breathing spaces provide a space to rest, space for social interaction, opportunities for public art, and have environmental benefits as they can assist with reducing the urban heat island effect,” Unger said. “The proposed breathing space at 230 Davis Dr. is especially important as it will form part of a future trail that will connect the sidewalks along Davis Drive to Haskett Park.”
The zoning amendment will see a portion of the land switched from "mixed use" to “parks and open space” to allow the plan to proceed. The lands on the property owned by the Church of Christ will remain in private ownership, with no development planned for that portion.
The application said the town-owned section is intended to be a link between Haskett Park and a future trail to “provide an important mid-block connection.”
Unger said that these “breathing spaces” with conceptual locations were first introduced as part of an Urban Centres Secondary Plan back in 2014.
The town plans to have an electronic public meeting on the proposal Feb. 3 at 1 p.m., at the town council chambers at 395 Mulock Dr. You can also view a livestream at
More information on the proposal is available through the municipal website.