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What's Coming Up at Council: Communications tower proposed at Magna Centre

Other items before council include examining the proposal for a mental health hub on Yonge, more parking restriction on Krista Court
USED 2020 05 05 Magna Centre DK
Debora Kelly/NewmarketToday

Rogers aims to install a new telecommunications tower on Town of Newmarket property by the Magna Centre.

The telecommunications company is proposing a 25-meter tower by the southwest side of the building to improve signals in the area. Council will review the proposal at its Sept. 6 meeting.

Council will also be discussing the proposal for a new mental health hub and parking issues in the Krista Court area. Here is what NewmarketToday will be following:

Rogers tower

Newmarket staff are recommending that the municipality process an application for a new tower by the Magna Centre.

Rogers plans to build a compound to house the tower, seven by 10 metres.

A staff report said the federal government regulates towers, including location, but providers are required to seek concurrence from the municipality.

The report said the proposed location is an area that currently accommodates hydro transformers and would not impact the usable amenity space on the property.

“The tower is set back from adjacent residential uses to reduce the visual impact of the structure,” the report said. “It is staff’s opinion that, due to the siting of the proposed tower, it would not detract from the function, amenity or safety of adjacent land uses.”

The report does not indicate how much the municipality would get from a lease agreement, but a recommended motion would have the CAO negotiate the terms.

Mental health hub

Council will examine a new mental health hub proposed for Yonge Street.

The Canadian Mental Health Association York and South Simcoe and the provincial government are set to bring the facility to 17255 Yonge St. The hub is proposed to be a first of its kind in Ontario, providing 24/7 specialized care to individuals age 12 and above who need immediate mental health crisis support, including 20 short-stay beds.

The hub is proposed to go into the former site of the Mission Thrift Store. CMHA said the site is an ideal central location with enough size to meet its needs.

The hub has been in the works for several years, spearheaded by the CMHA.

However, at least one resident wrote to the council concerned about the proposal.

“I haven't seen any info regarding added security if there will be any. Being the nature of this (hub) and the high risk of the people being treated here, I am concerned that it will attract the drug dealers to the area looking for easy prey,” William Healey wrote to council. “People have a right to be safe in their home and in the community as well.” 

Parking concerns

Some Krista Court residents are upset and seeking more parking restrictions on their street as the town proposes to make no changes there.

The town implemented additional parking restrictions on one side of the street after January 2023, but staff reviewed the area again after a letter came forward in May 2024. Staff reviewed the possibility of further restrictions, but a report said they did not receive enough response to implement any new measures.

However, six letters are now included in the agenda responding to the matter coming before council. The letters asked for things ranging from more enforcement, eliminating parking during school pickup and drop-off hours and extending the no parking restrictions to both sides of the street.

“I do not need to say that the no parking restrictions have helped reduce the amount of cars on our court during drop-off and pick-up times for school,” Tyler Czuba wrote. “Having the no parking extend to the other side of the street during these times will not only make everyone on the court happy but also keep everyone’s children safe.”

The municipality is streaming the council meeting at 1 p.m. You can view the meeting at or attend in person at 395 Mulock Dr. You can also set up a deputation or send correspondence by messaging [email protected].