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'Unfinished puzzle': Residents help piece together Newmarket's future

Municipality holds open house for ongoing official plan review

Newmarket residents got to chart their ideas for the town’s future at an open house event last night.

Dozens of residents filed through the Old Town Hall for a session on the municipal official plan review. The Town of Newmarket is undertaking an extensive look at its guiding planning document, and residents were able to give their input into how the municipality should grow and change over the next 30 years.

Resident Marilyn Church said she has been involved in downtown revitalization since 1986 and supports the town's plan for the future.

“It’s going in a great direction. I learned years ago we have to intensify, so growing up instead of out,” Church said. “Sometimes I think the town leaves my imagination in the dust.”

The town is undertaking its first comprehensive official plan review in years. The guiding document outlines municipal planning policy and the town is gathering feedback from residents about what they want to see in the document.

The open house session featured booths highlighting 11 different sections of the plan. There were also guest speakers talking about different aspects of the municipality.

“We are here to listen, and we want to make sure you feel like you’re heard,” senior planner Andria Sallese said. “We’re going to take our time and do this right.”

The town hired Jeff Nye of the Newmarket Group of Artists to create artwork depicting the vision residents have for the future, unveiled during the event. The piece highlights different scenes from Newmarket, depicted as puzzle pieces.

“I think of the community as an ongoing, unfinished puzzle and we get to contribute to it,” Nye said. “This is a great opportunity for the town to get together and do that.”

Sallese spoke to the vision for Newmarket’s future, highlighting aspects like keeping green, multiculturalism and making a connected community.

Economic development officer Chris Kallio further discussed jobs and employment, plus the development of Newmarket’s downtown and manufacturing areas. He said the municipality is putting effort into getting more manufacturing and technology companies into the area.

“These wealth-creating companies like manufacturing and like professional scientific services, which will drive wealth into the community,” Kallio said. “These employees spend their money right here on Main Street and the retail sector.”

Resident and town accessibility committee member Jeff Fabe said he attended to get more information on town planning around accessibility.

He said he would like more development in highrises and housing options.

“That’s the main thing for sure, and at the same time, maintain green space,” Fabe said.

The municipality highlighted several policy areas for consideration, including affordable housing, transportation, parks, cultural heritage, climate change, and growth management.

Newmarket resident Philip Smith said the town has done well building the municipality over the past years.

“The town staff is so receptive to new ideas,” Smith said. “It’s been a tremendous community to work with, and I think one of the features that makes it successful is that the town is so approachable.”

Staff expect to complete the official plan review next year. The town will still gather feedback with a draft to come forward in the summer. More information is available at