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LETTER: 108 Health Promotion Association strengthening community connections

All Newmarket and Aurora residents are welcome 'to join us on this enriching, cross-generational journey into Chinese heritage,' writes association board member
More than 500 community members attended the Summer Family Fun Day hosted at Fairy Lake Park by 108 Health Promotion Association.

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This past weekend, over 500 community members from Newmarket and Aurora gathered for the Summer Family Fun Day hosted by the 108 Health Promotion Association. Held at the beautiful Fairy Lake Park, this event was a vibrant celebration of Chinese culture, a mission the 108 Health Promotion Association has passionately pursued for a decade.

The event began with clear blue skies, light clouds, and lush green surroundings. Guests of honour included Newmarket-Aurora MPP Dawn Gallagher Murphy and Newmarket Deputy Mayor Tom Vegh, whose presence brought even more joy and energy to the stage and added a special sparkle to the park's beauty.

We are profoundly grateful for the financial support from the Government of Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program 2023-2024 and the endorsement of federal, provincial, and municipal council members. Their backing, along with the contributions of our generous sponsors, was instrumental in making this event a resounding success.

Our dedicated 108 Health Promotion Association team, 108 HPA volunteers, and several sister organizations worked tirelessly to prepare 20 performances and programs. These showcases highlighted the talents and vitality of our volunteers and celebrated the rich cultural heritage of Chinese Canadians. From adults to children, smiles and laughter filled the air, and the applause was endless.

Mother Nature, however, had some playful tricks up her sleeve. A severe downpour swept across the park in the middle of the event, drenching the crowd. Yet, in the words of many grateful attendees, “The success of this community event, rain or shine, is a powerful lesson in resilience — a strong message of cross-generational family bonding.”

For myself, a board member, I reflected on how the performers remained dedicated and committed, delivering high-quality performances despite the weather. This unwavering dedication from both performers and the audience exemplifies the values we strive to pass on to the next generation — resilience, hard work, and commitment, no matter the circumstances.

The 108 Health Promotion Association is committed to fostering community connections and promoting wellness among Chinese Canadian seniors. Our events have become cherished gathering places for all.

We invite all Newmarket and Aurora residents to join us on this enriching, cross-generational journey into Chinese heritage. We encourage the younger generations to bring their seniors to our activities, strengthening family bonds and community ties. From physical and social activities to vibrant cultural traditions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy throughout the year.

As we continue to explore the cultural offerings at the 108 Health Promotion Association, let's create more lasting memories and strengthen our community connections. We look forward to your participation in our future events.

Dr. Jennie Yeung
Board member, 108 Health Promotion Association