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Police patrols increasing in Georgina amid spike in violent crime

Community safety forum scheduled to take place Jan. 15
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While Georgina remains one of the safest communities in Canada, the town has experienced an increase in violent crime in 2024, including a number of shootings during the last four months.

York Regional Police (YRP) is reassuring residents that we are continuing to respond to their concerns through a multipronged approach to ensure the community’s safety and well-being.

Georgina has experienced three shootings in 2024. YRP wants to assure residents that all of these incidents are targeted. All three shootings are under active investigation.

However, we recognize these crimes are alarming and can jeopardize the community’s feeling of safety and well-being. In response to these incidents, YRP is increasing its presence throughout the community, including additional patrol cars and foot patrols.

Additionally, the Town of Georgina and YRP are installing a temporary CCTV camera at the corner of Church Street and Natanya Boulevard to support with crime prevention, improve investigative capabilities and enhance community safety.

YRP is also encouraging residents who have residential and commercial security cameras to learn more about YRP’s security camera registry. This registry provides members of the community with the option to let YRP know they have installed residential or commercial security cameras, which may assist police if a crime occurs later in that area.

On Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025, YRP will be hosting a community safety forum at Stephen Leacock Theatre to discuss community safety planning. All residents are welcome to attend.

All residents with information about these shootings or any gun-related violence are encouraged to report these crimes immediately to the York Regional Police non-emergency line at 1-866-876-5423 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS/

“We want to thank the residents in the Town of Georgina for their continued support in working with YRP,” states Chief Jim MacSween. “Community safety is a shared responsibility. If you see something suspicious in your neighbourhood, report it to police. Get to know your neighbours — if you don’t already — and establish the bonds of trust that are essential to keep communities safe.”

“I want to thank York Regional Police for their ongoing efforts to ensure our community remains safe. While we have seen a rise in violent crime this year, it’s important to note these are not random acts. We know that as our community continues to grow, the need for increased safety measures does as well. As police work on enhanced measures, residents are reminded that if you see something suspicious, report it. Public safety remains a top priority for Georgina council and York Region council, and we will continue to work collaboratively with police to ensure they have the tools they need to make our community safe.” — Mayor Margaret Quirk

Visit our Community Safety Data Portal for complete stats and crime data within York Region. Crime prevention is our shared responsibility. Learn more about Operation Streetview.
