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Up Front with the Mayor: 10 predictions for Newmarket in 2021

In his regular monthly column, Newmarket Mayor John Taylor shares his thoughts on what awaits us in the year ahead, including (fingers crossed) the return of downtown's outdoor concerts
20190222 Newmarket Mayor John Taylor GK01
Newmarket Mayor John Taylor. Greg King for Newmarket Today

In his regular monthly column, Newmarket Mayor John Taylor shares his top 10 predictions for the year ahead. As always, he welcomes your questions and comments via [email protected]

  1. The vaccine is very successful and our lives gradually return to a new normal.
  2. The economic recovery both locally and nationally is quicker and stronger than many may have thought.
  3. Main Street Newmarket accelerates its journey as a York Region/GTA entertainment destination.
  4. The Mulock Park final detail design is completed and ready for construction.
  5. Riverwalk Commons (hopefully) hosts one outdoor concert late this summer (fingers crossed).
  6. Newmarket skate park begins construction.
  7. A federal election takes place and we have another minority government.
  8. The site for the outdoor arena is announced.
  9. The residents of Newmarket celebrate the end of the COVID-19 pandemic together at an outdoor party! 
  10. We remember 2020 forever.