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Newmarket Voice Festival returns with 25th anniversary celebration

Jan. 31 is the deadline to enter for Feb. 21 to 25 event at Newmarket's Old Town Hall

The Newmarket Voice Festival is getting ready to make its return after three years and celebrating its 25th anniversary with a four-day festival special next month.

The last festival was held in November 2019 prior to the pandemic. The 25th anniversary milestone occurred in 2021, but director Irene Ilic said the celebration was postponed so it could be "a live event." 

The special concert will be held Feb. 21 to 25 at the Old Town Hall in Newmarket — a wonderful spot, according to Ilic, with a beautiful stage and big grand piano. 

Singers can enter the festival and be adjudicated by distinguished teachers and performers, which aims to build their skills and confidence while highlighting local talent. 

"I think it's important to showcase all the talent we have here and give them a forum in which they can prepare something, and come and get feedback, and get applause, and grow from the experience and learn," Ilic said. 

Two new categories include voice and speech arts and drama, as well previous categories of classical voice and musical theatre. Amateur performers can compete in all classes, as long as they meet age and grade specifications. You do not have to be a resident of Newmarket and Ilic says the festival has attracted singers from all over Ontario. 

"We want to be that hub of artistic excellence for the province, not just our area," she said. 

Adjudicators will provide feedback to all performers and can select up to three people from each category to go on to represent the Newmarket Voice Festival at the Ontario Music Festivals Association provincial finals, which will be held in June. 

You can enter the festival online and the deadline is Jan. 31. 

The festival is open to the public and free to attend for anyone who would like to watch. As a celebration of its 25th anniversary, attendance is also free for the festival's Concert of the Stars on March 3. 

It will include select performances from the festival week and trophies will be awarded, as well as 50 scholarships. Ilic said it will be a real celebration. 

The festival is entirely run by volunteers, including Ilic, and while it's a lot of work to put together, she said it is all worth while to give singers this opportunity. 

"It's really rewarding. [It's] very gratifying to offer this and make it a top-notch experience for everyone," she said. 

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Elizabeth Keith

About the Author: Elizabeth Keith

Elizabeth Keith is a general assignment reporter. She graduated from Carleton University with a Bachelor of Journalism in 2017. Elizabeth is passionate about telling local stories and creating community.
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