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Newmarket, Aurora senior centres receive funding boost

Both centres to receive instalment of $12,500 for programming
Newmarket Seniors' Meeting Place
The Newmarket Seniors' Meeting Place. File photo

The senior centres in Newmarket and Aurora are getting a boost from the provincial government through an annual funding program.

The province announced its fourth-quarter allocations for the Newmarket Seniors' Meeting Place and the Aurora Seniors Centre on Jan. 14, amounting to $12,500 for each. This is the final quarterly instalment for the Seniors Active Living Centre programs across the province, with overall funding boosted by about a 28.8 per cent increase.

“This year, we have increased our investment in Seniors Active Living Centres by almost one million dollars over last year, to provide seniors with more opportunities to access programs and supports,” Minister for Seniors and Accessibility Raymond Cho said in a news release. “Our government continues to invest in Seniors Active Living Centre programs that are improving the health and well-being of Ontario’s aging population.”

The funding helps seniors centres to provide in-person and virtual programs that help adults older than 55 “keep fit, healthy, active and socially connected to their communities.” 

This year, the government boosted funding so that the centres would receive $55,000, up from $42,700, delivered in quarterly instalments. Due to the success of the centres, the government also plans to invest $17 million to expand the number of the centres by 100, from 316 to 416, starting in 2024-25. Communities getting new seniors active living centres will be announced starting early this year.

“The government’s investment in adding up to 100 more Seniors Active Living Centre programs across Ontario, along with over a 28 per cent increase in base funding since 2023-24, demonstrates a significant commitment to supporting seniors in Ontario,” Older Adult Centres Association of Ontario executive director Sue Hesjedhal said.

Seniors active living centre programs will be able to request that the funding be used to help cover maintenance and operational costs.