Complaints from residents in Newmarket’s southwest neighbourhoods about the haphazard delivery of local newspaper The Era has prompted the ward councillor to take action.
Councillor Kelly Broome said she has received concerns from all areas of her ward, including Armitage Village, North Summerhill and South Summerhill, about the ongoing "litter" problem that continues despite the efforts of Town of Newmarket customer service staff to have the delivery concerns resolved by Metroland Media.
“The concern that I’m seeing is that the paper is being delivered on the sidewalk, on the lawn, and on the road,” Broome said at the May 21 committee of the whole meeting. “I think it’s important that staff take a deeper look at what we can do to try to work with The Era to have this corrected.
"What can we do as a municipality to enforce that they don’t continue to litter our neighbourhoods with their paper?”
Council agreed that staff will investigate what options are at the Town's disposal to curb the hit-or-miss newspaper delivery of The Era.