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'Genuinely kind' young people come to Newmarket resident's aid

Carol Ford wants to publicly thank the youths who helped her out when others wouldn't
A group of young people helped out Newmarket resident Carol Ford when her car broke down at a Dairy Queen.

A couple of Good Samaritans helped out Newmarket resident Carol Ford when her car wouldn’t start at a local restaurant, and she wanted others to know how many good young people there are in our community.

Ford had made a stop at Dairy Queen while on her way home July 13, and wasn't able to make a call for help as she didn’t have her phone with her, prompting her to ask for help inside the store.

No one in the restaurant was able to help, until she went up to four young people. She apologized for disturbing them before asking for their assistance. The group went outside with her to inspect her car.

“One of the girls called an Uber for me, and when I got home to pay the Uber guy, he said it was already paid for,” said Ford. “I thought, what a kind thing for somebody to do. We’re always saying youngsters are trouble but they really helped me out of a bad situation.” 

She said she was grateful for their help but didn’t ask for their names. She found out she had an issue with the battery, which cost her $500. She, however, wished she knew who the group was to pay them back. 

“Despite the fact it was a difficult situation, it was heightened by the fact that those people were kind,” said Ford. “It helped that they were genuinely kind.”

“It increased my belief in human nature and people helping,” she added. “It made a big difference.”