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Council aiming to refresh town's vision of 'well beyond the ordinary'

Other strategic priorities are 'vibrancy' on Yonge, Davis and Mulock, and development of the Mulock property
Newmarket Municipal Office on Mulock Drive. File photo/NewmarketToday

Town of Newmarket Council officially launched its Strategic Priorities for the 2018-2022 term. The Strategic Priorities focus areas are: Long-term Financial Sustainability, Extraordinary Places and Spaces (priority focus on the Mulock Property), Safe Transportation (streets), Economic Leadership and Job Creation, Vibrancy on Yonge, Davis and Mulock, and Environmental Stewardship. Council also adopted to refresh the current vision, well beyond the ordinary.
“Newmarket Council actively listened to input from our residents and stakeholders when finalizing Council’s Strategic Priorities for the 2018-2022 term,” says Mayor John Taylor. “These six priorities establish a roadmap to assist Council in providing our community with the best opportunities to become an even more vibrant, innovative, and sustainable community with exceptional quality of life for our residents.”
Long-term Financial Sustainability will focus on fiscal responsibility. This priority will ensure the Town is operating as effectively and efficiently as possible and that there is a continued focus on planning and preparing for future financial demands. The Town is currently embarking on resident engagement for the 2020 Budget and an Administrative and Service Review which aims to identify and implement operational efficiencies and ideas for effectiveness in order to provide even better resident-centric services.
Extraordinary Places and Spaces (Mulock Property) will focus on developing a vision and master plan for the Mulock Property. It will also focus on place-making, and creating spaces that are inclusive and welcoming for everyone in the community to enjoy. This will include a Parks Master Plan, a Culture and Place-making Master Plan, a strategy to address municipal vacant properties, and partnerships with the BIA to enhance its economic and social vibrancy of the downtown core.
Safe Transportation (streets) will focus on supporting safe, shared-use of roadways, trails and other transportation systems so that all users and all modes of transportation can coexist effectively with a focus on accessibility, safety and speed reduction.

Economic Leadership and Job Creation will focus on attracting, retaining and expanding jobs through innovation, collaboration and urbanization. This priority aims to re-fresh the Town’s Economic Development Strategy that will maximize both economic opportunity and liveability as urbanization and population grows in Newmarket.

Vibrancy on Yonge, Davis and Mulock will focus on supporting enhanced access to diverse housing, office and retail options in the Yonge Street, Davis Drive and Mulock Drive area. This will be achieved through new transit options, leveraging Smart City technologies and the municipally owned broadband network (ENVI) to support the development of Yonge Street, Davis, Drive and Mulock Drive area to help expand and retain business. In addition, this priority aims to provide varied housing options for all families and individuals at all points on the economic spectrum.

Environmental Stewardship will focus on leading proactive planning and action related to climate change and other environmental initiatives. This will be achieved through continued implementation of Low Impact Development, explore solar power opportunities, the Community Energy Plan, continued partnership with environmental community groups (Lake Simcoe Region Conservation AreaMinistry of the Environment, Conservation and ParksYork Region etc.) and focus on our tree canopy and tree protection.

Council’s Strategic Priorities were determined through results gathered from the Town’s Community Survey Results in 2018, coupled with an engagement session with Newmarket staff, and Council members.

Moving forward, Council’s Strategic Priorities will help shape actions and organizational business plans, and employee and organizational performance goals and objectives. Measurement and evaluation of these priorities will be monitored through regular report cards to Council.

Residents are invited to learn more about Council’s Strategic Priorities by viewing the full document. You can also provide your feedback on the document by visiting



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