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Severity of COVID-19 outbreak growing at Newmarket long-term care centre

37 days into the outbreak, 1 resident has died, and 23 residents and 18 staff cases have been confirmed
2019 10 16 Seniors grant NM Health Centre
File photo/NewmarketToday

The severity of the COVID-19 outbreak that began at Newmarket Health Centre with a single case in a health-care worker last month has grown to 23 residents — one of whom has died — and 18 staff members.

Two areas in the 107-resident long-term care centre have been affected by the spreading virus, according to York Region spokesperson Patrick Casey.

"These home areas are currently on isolation with a dedicated team of staff caring for the COVID-19 positive residents," Casey added.

One week after symptom onset, a 76-year-old man passed away Nov. 30 as a result of exposure to COVID-19 in the growing outbreak.

The first case at the Eagle Street facility operated by the Regional Municipality of York was confirmed positive on Nov. 7, and its first outbreak of the pandemic was declared that day. 

An additional staff member tested positive on Nov. 20, and the infections began snowballing with six residents testing positive on Nov. 24. 

Only essential visitors, including caregivers, are currently permitted to enter the facility that employs 195 health-care workers.

According to Casey, pandemic response measures that have been implemented at the centre in accordance with emergency orders and guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Long-Term Care and York Region Public Health, include:

  • Limiting essential caregivers who are entering the home to one person, per resident;
  • Ensuring caregivers remain with the resident in their room at all times and that caregivers leave the home for any food/beverage breaks, or whenever a mask would need to be removed;  
  • Implementing full facility droplet and contact precautions across all home areas;
  • Setting up isolation stations outside each COVID-19 positive resident’s room with signage;
  • Testing all residents for COVID-19 at regular intervals and testing symptomatic residents immediately;
  • Enhancing cleaning and disinfection processes;
  • Enhancing screening;
  • Bringing in expertise from the Central Local Health Integration Network, York Region Paramedic Services and the York Region Public Health to advise on any improvements needed and to further support infection prevention and control and PPE education.

Residents, family members and substitute decision-makers can call 905-895-3628 for a daily status update on the home, which is updated at 5 p.m.

A dedicated email has been created for questions about the COVID-19 outbreak can be emailed to [email protected]

To date, York Region has had 154 institutional outbreaks, including long-term care, retirement and group homes, hospitals and shelters, amounting to more than 2,000 cases in residents, patients and staff, and 242 deaths (only one of which was a health-care worker).

In Newmarket, there have been 12 institutional outbreaks, with 207 cases and 20 deaths in patients and residents.

The second active Newmarket long-term care outbreak, declared Nov. 1 at Southlake Residential Care Village, has been holding at seven health-care worker cases in the last week.

Of the 23 active institutional outbreaks in York Region, 13 are at long-term care homes, the most severe of which is at Chartwell Pine Grove in Vaughan with 72 residents and 40 staff confirmed with COVID-19, and at King City Lodge with 31 residents and 24 staff infected as of Dec. 13.


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Debora Kelly

About the Author: Debora Kelly

Debora Kelly is the editor for AuroraToday and NewmarketToday. She is an award-winning journalist and communications professional who is passionate about building strong communities through engagement, advocacy and partnership.
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