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COVID-19 outbreak worsens at Newmarket long-term care centre (UPDATE)

UPDATE, Nov. 28: Case count grows from 8 to 12 at Newmarket Health Centre, and additional case at Southlake Residential Care Village
2019 10 16 Seniors grant NM Health Centre
Newmarket Health Centre on Eagle Street is operated by the Regional Municipality of York. File photo/NewmarketToday

UPDATE, Nov. 28: York Region Public Health is reporting one more confirmed COVID-19 case in a resident, now totalling seven, and three more cases in health-care workers at Newmarket Health Centre, now totalling five. Within a day, the case count has risen from eight cases in total to 12. An additional case is also confirmed in a health-care worker at Southlake Residential Care Village, now totalling seven.


What began with a confirmed COVID-19 case in a single health-care worker at Newmarket Health Centre just over two weeks has grown to an outbreak with six patients and one more staff member ill with the virus.

The first case at the Eagle Street facility operated by the Regional Municipality of York was confirmed positive on Nov. 7, and its first outbreak of the pandemic was declared that day, according to York Region director of corporate communications Patrick Casey.

An additional staff member tested positive on Nov. 20.

York Region was informed on Nov. 24 that six residents had also tested positive, Casey said. 

"The home area where the unwell residents reside is currently on isolation, a dedicated team of staff are caring for the COVID-positive residents," he said.

Only essential visitors, including caregivers, are currently permitted to enter the facility that has 115 residents and employs 195 health-care workers.

All family and substitute decision-makers have been informed about the situation and additional precautionary actions, Casey said.

"York Region remains committed to maintaining a safe environment for all staff and residents during this time," he added. "We continue to follow appropriate infectious disease practices with all resident interactions, practise good hand hygiene and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting measures."

Residents and staff continue to undergo regular COVID-19 testing.

The severity of the outbreak at a second Newmarket long-term care facility is also growing, with six health-care workers at Southlake Residential Care Village now confirmed with COVID-19.

The 27-day outbreak was declared on Nov. 1, with two health-care workers of the 150-staff centre confirmed ill with the virus.

The second long-term care centre owned and operated by York Region, which provides nursing and personal care services for adults unable to live in their own homes, is Maple Health Centre in Vaughan, where the public health unit is currently monitoring a single case in a staff member who has had no contact with residents.

Maple Health Centre had its first COVID-19 outbreak of the pandemic declared Nov. 9, when one staff member tested positive. No further cases occurred in the outbreak that closed Nov. 15.

To date, York Region has had 135 institutional outbreaks, including long-term care, retirement and group homes, hospitals and shelters, amounting to 1,822 cases in residents, patients and staff, and 223 deaths (only one of which was a health-care worker).

In Newmarket, there have been 11 institutional outbreaks, with 172 cases and 18 deaths in patients and residents.

Of the 23 active institutional outbreaks in York Region, 12 are at long-term care homes.

Current severe outbreaks include: Villa Da Vinci Retirement Residence in Vaughan with cases in 75 residents and 31 staff; Chartwell Pine Grove in Vaughan with cases in 72 patients and 37 staff; King City Lodge Nursing Home with cases in 26 patients and 17 staff; and Chartwell Constantia Retirement Residence in Thornhill with cases in 18 patients and 17 staff.

York Region medical officer of health Dr. Karim Kurji issued an order under the Health Protection and Promotion Act on Nov. 20 to Sienna Living's Langstaff Square Care in Richmond Hill due to inadequate staffing levels and failure to comply with infection, prevention and control practices.

Eight patients and eight health-care workers are confirmed positive in the 20-day COVID-19 outbreak, the second at the home since October.

During an outbreak at a long-term care facility, York Region Public Health maintains daily contact to assess new cases in staff or residents and to ensure outbreak control measures continue to be applied, including: 

  • Increasing cleaning and disinfection in the affected areas as well as common areas (such as the dining room, lobby, shared bathrooms, entrances)
  • Screening all residents twice a day for fever or new symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)
  • Isolating ill residents to their rooms and providing meal service via tray service to resident rooms
  • Cohorting of individuals (based on exposure/illness/COVID-19 status)
  • Excluding staff who are ill or close contacts from the workplace
  • Implementation of additional infection prevention and control precautions by staff (use of personal protective equipment and droplet/contact precautions)
  • Cancelling group activities and non-essential visitors
  • Active monitoring for new cases of illness in either residents or staff and daily reporting to public health


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