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Tyler Evans

Tyler Evans

Tyler Evans got his start in the news business when he was just 15-years-old as a co-op student with The Packet & Times. After completing his studies at Durham College in 2017, he returned to his hometown to serve the community as a video producer and reporter with OrilliaMatters

[email protected]

Recent Work by Tyler

New Netflix series brings downtown Orillia its Hollywood moment

New Netflix series brings downtown Orillia its Hollywood moment

New series, Precision, follows the lives of elite teenage figure skaters as they train for a world championship, with Orillia and Barrie standing in for the show’s fictional small-town setting
Steampunk fans bringing back Coldwater festival after 2-year hiatus

Steampunk fans bringing back Coldwater festival after 2-year hiatus

'Steampunk festivals are happening all across the world, and they are gaining popularity,' organizer says
McCutcheon’s Maple Syrup closes after 52 sweet years

McCutcheon’s Maple Syrup closes after 52 sweet years

'Changing weather patterns and economic conditions have made it difficult to carry on our operation without making major changes moving forward,' owner says
'Aerospace nerd' helps build Canada's first liquid rocket

'Aerospace nerd' helps build Canada's first liquid rocket

Matthew Gordon is part of elite university team that 'exists so that students can get really cool hands-on aerospace and engine design experience'
Hard-to-forget photo both helps us understand, and distorts 9/11 tragedy

Hard-to-forget photo both helps us understand, and distorts 9/11 tragedy

'Photographs can be incredibly helpful in understanding an event, but they can also distort how we understand it,' says Lakehead University scholar
Local boat companies 'devastated' by luxury tax

Local boat companies 'devastated' by luxury tax

'We just watch our customers go to the U.S. and buy boats and leave them there,' says Crate's Lake Country Boats owner
'It's taken time': Female umpire breaks down barriers at Ontario Summer Games

'It's taken time': Female umpire breaks down barriers at Ontario Summer Games

'There's a woman who officiates the NFL and there's a woman who is an assistant coach in the NHL. We're making great strides,' says Nancy Watson
York Simcoe baseball champs to be crowned in Orillia this weekend

York Simcoe baseball champs to be crowned in Orillia this weekend

U9 York Simcoe Baseball League provincial qualifying tournament taking place this weekend, with championship game scheduled for 3 p.m. Saturday
End of an era: Island Princess heads to Barrie after 40 years in Orillia

End of an era: Island Princess heads to Barrie after 40 years in Orillia

'We are actively searching for a new vessel that can take locals and tourists out for tours of the area. There is a very high demand for on-water tours,' says chamber official
Camp Molly ignites interest in firefighting for Newmarket teen

Camp Molly ignites interest in firefighting for Newmarket teen

'It gives you the encouragement to go further than you thought you could,' says 16-year-old participant Lauren Glass
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