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Greg King

Greg King

Greg King is a freelance photographer for NewmarketToday and AuroraToday.

Recent Work by Greg

Iranian seniors proudly share their art at Newmarket exhibit

Iranian seniors proudly share their art at Newmarket exhibit

Irish cheer and jigs mark St. Patrick's Day in Newmarket (9 photos)

Irish cheer and jigs mark St. Patrick's Day in Newmarket (9 photos)

Joy of a colourful Holi celebrated in Aurora (17 photos)

Joy of a colourful Holi celebrated in Aurora (17 photos)

Newmarket festival celebrates multicultural heritage with dance, song

Newmarket festival celebrates multicultural heritage with dance, song

CFUW Aurora/Newmarket mark Women's Day with call to action

CFUW Aurora/Newmarket mark Women's Day with call to action

Girls Night Out celebrates women, to support strong girls

Girls Night Out celebrates women, to support strong girls

Holy moly, that's a big icicle!

Holy moly, that's a big icicle!

Realty group cooking 1,000 meals for Newmarket Food Pantry during Ramadan

Realty group cooking 1,000 meals for Newmarket Food Pantry during Ramadan

Future first responders get INSPIREd at hands-on CYFS careers event (17 photos)

Future first responders get INSPIREd at hands-on CYFS careers event (17 photos)

Girls Inc.'s Snow Ball celebrates special bond between dads, daughters (14 photos)

Girls Inc.'s Snow Ball celebrates special bond between dads, daughters (14 photos)

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