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This is the most common issue Canadian pet owners face

It's no secret how much Canadians adore their pets, but with that love comes a slew of messes, with pet hair unsurprisingly to blame.

It's no secret how much Canadians adore their pets, but with that love comes a slew of messes, with pet hair unsurprisingly to blame. 

According to a new survey from Maytag Canada, while 90% of Canadian pet owners say their furry friends are an important member of their family, nearly half (49%) say their pets significantly contribute to the mess in their home. The main culprit – unwanted pet hair.

As a result, Canada has got some pretty hairy cities across the country, with Winnipeg taking the top spot with nearly 70% of its population owning pets. Closely behind are Calgary and Quebec City with 55% and 54% of their population owning pets, respectively. The fourth and fifth hairiest cities in Canada, by pet ownership, are Edmonton (52%) and Montreal (51%).


Maytag also found that Canadian pet owners can relate to a number of hair-related issues. In fact, dog and cat owners across Canada report finding pet hair on their clothing (79%), on their couches (79%), in their washer/dryer (50%), and even in their food (31%).

Since our four-legged friends have trouble pulling their weight when it comes to chores, this leaves pet parents with the unending task of cleaning up after them. In fact, one-third of dog and cat owners (32%) said they find it difficult to stay on top of cleaning up after their pets, and another (31%) spend more time than they would like doing this.


More fun facts from the survey:

  • One-third of dog and cat owners (31%) say pet hair has become a part of their wardrobe
  • Nearly half (43%) say they are often using a lint roller to remove pet hair from their clothing
  • Over a third of Canadians without pets (36%) feel uncomfortable with pet hair in other people's homes
  • Nearly half (47%) believe that pets can make a home feel messier.
  • Almost nine in 10 Canadian dog and cat owners (87%) report vacuuming up pet hair at least once per week

So, while our pets might be making our homes a little hairier, we wouldn't trade them for anything! Let's embrace the mess and show our furry friends some extra love today.

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