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Poll results:

What's your opinion about the Town of Newmarket's Mulock park project?

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777 total votes   Added

I'm excited about it, it will be a great addition to the town's recreational and cultural amenities. 249 votes 32.05%
I have mixed feelings, I like the idea of additional 'places to play' in town, but I'm not sure about the $40-million estimated cost. 234 votes 30.12%
I don't know enough about it. I'd like to get more information first. 145 votes 18.66%
I am completely opposed to it. I think it's a big waste of money! 149 votes 19.18%

The poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Newmarket or other areas.