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Poll results:

Should York Region implement a tax on vacant houses?

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1102 total votes   Added

Yes, absolutely. We need to tax people letting houses sit empty during a housing crisis. 655 votes 59.44%
Yes, with caveats. The rules need to be specific and/or I don't think the tax should be much. 101 votes 9.17%
I am indifferent. I do not think it will make much of a difference to the housing situation. 66 votes 5.99%
No, not in most cases. Perhaps in egregious situations, but most vacant properties are fine and not that way for long. 56 votes 5.08%
No, absolutely not. People should have the right to use their property as they see fit, without worrying about extra taxes. 224 votes 20.33%

The poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Newmarket or other areas.