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Poll results:

In the midst of coronavirus fears, how are you planning on spending time this weekend?

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272 total votes   Added

Dusting off the ol' board games 11 votes 4.04%
Drinking copious amounts of wine in my basement 31 votes 11.40%
Netflix 'n' chill 71 votes 26.10%
Sanitizing my entire house 20 votes 7.35%
Going to catch up on some reading 26 votes 9.56%
Staring in the abyss, reflecting on the loss of sports 9 votes 3.31%
I'm going to build my doomsday shelter 7 votes 2.57%
Taking self-care to the max 16 votes 5.88%
Writing to my long-lost pen pals 1 vote 0.37%
Cutting up old pieces of newspaper to use as toilet tissue 6 votes 2.21%
Business as usual, I'm not worried 74 votes 27.21%

The poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Newmarket or other areas.