How should the Town of Newmarket address speeding cyclists on Tom Taylor Trail?
544 total votes Added
The town’s current course is the best way — education, signage and adding centre lines. 143 votes 26.29%
Do nothing, it's not a big problem — pedestrians and cyclists just need to be more considerate and share the space.87 votes 15.99%
We need more enforcement on the trails. There should be a punishment for speeding cyclists.133 votes 24.45%
Cyclists should only be allowed to use Tom Taylor Trail at certain times of day, when pedestrian traffic is lower.30 votes 5.51%
Cyclists should be barred from Tom Taylor Trail. There are other trails and bike lanes in town they should use instead, or have exclusive access.151 votes 27.76%
The poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Newmarket or other areas.