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Poll results:

Do you agree with the Town of Newmarket's new bylaw to restrict trees from being cut down on private property?

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1357 total votes   Added

Yes, it allows owners to maintain their properties, but provides the protection needed to prevent trees from being clear cut for development. 361 votes 26.60%
Yes and no, I agree some protection is needed, but will they really be able to fairly enforce what's going on in people's backyards? 161 votes 11.86%
No, I understand the importance of protecting trees, but I should be able to cut down trees on my own property when I feel it's necessary. 480 votes 35.37%
No, this is just another cash grab on top of the property taxes I already pay. 93 votes 6.85%
No, this bylaw is an overreach — the community had simply wanted the town to prevent developers from clear cutting. 262 votes 19.31%

The poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Newmarket or other areas.