24-Apr-1944 - 12-Oct-2023
It is with great sadness the family announces the passing of beloved Ms. Sommay Phonthepsone. On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at the Windsor Regional Hospital.
She will be loved and cherished by her family
Ms. Soulimala (Nikki) Sayasane and family (Step-daughter-Guelph, ON)
Mr. Sourisith Phonthepsone and family (Son - Newmarket, ON)
Ms. Soumountha (Sam) Phonthepsone and family (Daughter - Newmarket, ON)
Ms. Sourisa Vannest and family (Daughter - Tecumseh, ON)
Ms. Sousavanh Mounphosay and family (Daughter, Bradford-ON)
Mr. Sourivath Phonthepsone and family (Son, Newmarket-ON)
Mr. Sourivanxay (Andy) Phonthepsone and family (Son, Markham-ON)
Ms. Soumounthong (Linh) Konkolowicz and family (Amherstburg-ON)
Mr. Soudalay (Bobby) Phonthepsone and family
Visitation & Service
Date: October 22, 2023.
524 Davis Dr., Newmarket
Time: 11am - 1:30pm
Date: October 22, 2023.
Taylor Funeral Home
524 Davis Dr., Newmarket
Time: 1:30pm - 5pm
Date: October 22, 2023.
Highland Hills Funeral Home & Cemetery
12492 Woodbine Avenue, Gormley
Time: 5:30pm - 6:00pm