25-Jul-1966 - 07-Oct-2023
Tribute from Angela, his wife:
My sweet prince. Loving father - thank you for our 3.
Michael, Sabrina and Emily.
Goofy, vulnerable, innocent, gentle, kind.
Computer gamer, guitar player, annoying camera dude with the zoom lens, lover
of ice-cream ... 3 scoops on the cone.
Devout Catholic / church every Sunday / no eating an hour before communion.
Polish parents. Roman and Teresa.
Perfected his potato pancakes / latke recipe for every Ash Wednesday.
Baby brother to his siblings Greg and Barbara.
Bikes 15 km with his kids / walks 15 km for himself.
Science guy, weather guy, the reason my kids could do math.
I got him to love camping outdoors - but he wasn't thrilled to do all the cooking
and the set-up that fell upon his shoulders.
Was a scout leader for his son.
34 years civil servant Environment Canada (federal) weather service archives and
databases. Would have been full retirement October 2024.
They stuck him on so many zoom committees to advise other Federal depts across
Canada. A compassionate mentor, went beyond out of the way to slog through
red tape to hire students.
During the covid shutdown, he hosted a drop-in social spirit zoom Thursday
mornings, where he'd think of something goofy or interesting for fellow workers
to yap about.
His autistic brain gave him anxiety and stress, but also kind, sweet, feminist,
romantic, poop jokes, problem solver.
His son still needs him to be his mentor.
Chris told me his father came to him in a dream - to tell him that our son with his
autism would turn out okay - don’t stress.
He would sing silly nursery rhymes to his girl babies – but change up the lyrics to
make them giggle. He could braid his daughters' hair way better and tighter than I
could. So, he had to do their hair for dance recitals.
I hope they understand what a real man is.
Chris watched every Hallmark Christmas movie ... every year, over and over again,
in October, sometimes in the summer.
He was our “tech support”. I am already smacking all the computers and phones
that have been messing up on me.
So many friends and family stepped up this last year to help you out. Or even to
watch Netflix with you on your Tobii device. Thank you.
I am so sorry ALS entered your life in 2020 and that it made life for you really
weird in the Autumn of 2021. That I figured it out 1st week of January 2022, so
that it was no surprise when the official verdict was on May 4, 2022.
I hate how it stole your legs, your voice, your food, your weight, your fingers for
computer mousing.
That you suffered so horribly in that stupid crooked wheelchair that never fitted
you properly. That your last month was wrecked with dysregulation of body
temperature - that you were hot and cold within minutes over and again. That
you were so miserably uncomfortable for so many months. You told me that you
did not think you would last to Christmas. I didn't think it would be Thanksgiving.
I am glad I got to snuggle with you in your bed that last night to calm you down,
since you were hyperventilating. I am sorry that I got more impatient as I got
more tired, but you were trying to deal with your body shutting down and I didn't
quite clue in. I tried to get you to breathe again with light CPR - but I didn't want
to crack your ribs. I wasn’t ready for you to die. I didn't want to stop holding your
hand. I am glad I was allowed to keep kissing your sweet forehead that afternoon
and that all your kids came home and got to give you one last hug before they
took you away.
Chris typed on the Tobii (with his eye gaze) the day before he died to me:
"I love you - but you love me more - with all that you do for me."
Chris (57 yrs old) grew up in Hamilton, near Dofasco where his dad worked.
Attended Holy Family Catholic Elementary and Bishop Ryan Catholic High School.
He got a Physics degree at McMaster University.
34 years at Environment and Climate Change Canada. Weather Service.
Predeceased by his parents Roman and Teresa Helena from Rozan Poland.
All of us miss you.
Younger brother of Greg (wife Bernadette) and Barbara (husband Andrew).
Married Angela Kite over 29 years ago at St. Stanislaus Kostka
Loving father to Michael, Sabrina and Emily. (23, 20, 18)
His wife’s brother Peter (wife Lenore, their children Katrina, Daniel and Robert).
Cousins Marek, Jacek and all the rest.
Work, Newmarket (and Calgary) friends.
Visitation: Taylor Funeral Home, 524 Davis Dr. Newmarket, Friday, October 27th: 1-3 pm & 6-8 pm. Please stop by for a chat.
Funeral Mass: St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, 17955 Leslie St. Newmarket at 11:00 am on Saturday October 28th, Livestream on their website.
Burial afterwards at Queensville Cemetery, 20778 Leslie St.
Reception to follow at St. Elizabeth Seton “Great Hall”.
Attend one or all, stop by then too to chat. 1pm onwards.