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York-Simcoe Express painting the barn blue for men's health

U18 hockey team fundraising for Movember, asking for community support at Nov. 22 home game
The York-Simcoe Express U18 team has been wearing blue jerseys all month in support of Movember.

York-Simcoe Express U18AAA captain Devun Colebrook and his family have had a difficult health experience in recent times.

He said his grandfather is experiencing prostate cancer. Although his grandfather’s prognosis is pretty good, Colebrook said it made him want to support men’s health through Movember.

“It’s nothing too serious but I know, kind of, the pain of what people who do have relatives (with prostate cancer) are going through,” he said. 

The U18 hockey team is joining Colebrook in the cause with a Movember fundraiser this month. The York Region team has been fundraising and wearing blue jerseys for all its games in November and is planning a “Blue the Barn” game on Nov. 22 to raise more funds for the cause.

The team has raised more than $500 so far and hopes to get to $1,000 by the time the month is out.

“It’s been really good,” Colebrook said of the fundraising effort. “It feels empowering as a leader of the team … It’s a nice thing to see, especially when we got our blue jerseys out on the rink.”

This is the first time any team with the Express organization has had a Movember fundraiser, Colebrook said. The annual event is recognized across the world, with men growing moustaches to raise awareness about men’s health and raise money for causes such as prostate and testicular cancer.

Besides wearing the jerseys, the team will also be doing some community work, fundraising outside the Real Canadian Superstore just north of Newmarket Nov. 23 and at Longo’s in Aurora on Nov. 30.

“Being able to give back to the community a little, it just feels good and I think it’ll be a good time," Devenbrook said. 

The Blue the Barn Game will take place vs the North Shore Whitecaps at 9 p.m. at St. Andrew’s College in Aurora. The team is asking fans to wear blue to show support, with a donation table set up for the game.

“It’s high-level hockey. Really, just come out to support and support this great cause of Movember,” Devenbrook said. 


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