The student vocal ensemble Enter A Cappella from Sir William Mulock Secondary School won second place in the national CBC Music Class Challenge.
The challenge saw submissions from an estimated 50,000 students from 1,200 registered classes with Enter A Cappella taking second place in the Senior Vocal category with their rendition of ‘In My Blood’. Enter A Cappella has competed in the challenge for the past four years and have made the top 10 each year.
This year’s group members include: Emi Arshad; Kristen-Amber Kharag; Erin Bartlett; Ekaterina Kostantinovks; Madison Billingham; Eric Montpool; Caitlin Davie; Madeline Morphy; Gwyneth Faria; John Morrissey; Caileigh Graham; Malcolm Rank; Julia Hill; Andrew Yang; and Allison Huynh.
"We are incredibly proud of Enter A Cappella’s finish in the CBC Music Class Challenge this year,” said Carmen Spiteri-Johnson, Principal of Sir William Mulock Secondary School. “The work of Enter A Capella in the classroom, on stage and in our community make me a proud principal!”
“It is an absolute pleasure working with these students each and every week.” said Chris Uchida, Teacher and Staff Advisor for Enter A Cappella. “The positive character and leadership skills demonstrated by these musicians is really something special. I feel incredibly lucky to work every day with amazing students, dedicated teachers like Mr. Eriksen and Ms. Sotiropoulos, and incredibly supportive administration.”
Enter A Capella will also compete at the North Metro Youth A Cappella Challenge in February, and at MusicFest Canada in Calgary in May. You can see more of their performances on the Mulock Music YouTube channel.