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UPDATE: A happy ending for lost cow Betsy

Ten hours and buckets of cow mule later .... the wandering cow has a new home
Betsy the cow. Submitted Photo

It’s going to be a Merry Christmas after all, Betsy the cow has finally been rescued.

After months and months of roaming the farm fields near 10th Sideroad and 13th Line, she has been taken into the hands of Dog Tales Rescue in King City. 

The Bradford resident who shared the dilemma with the cow and efforts to find its rightful owner is ecstatic to report that the cow is now off the property and in safe hands. 

A friend of Dog Tales Rescue by the name of Shawn and one of his friends came by in an effort to get the cow off the property. 

Ten hours and buckets of cow mule later, Shawn, his friend and the resident were able to wrangle Betsy into his trailer at around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday night. 

The resident is grateful that the cow is finally off the property, and in the care of Dog Tales Resuce. 

A very moo-ving story, indeed. 


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