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Unattended candle cause of Newmarket garage fire Saturday

More than 20 firefighters responded to the call at about 10:38 a.m. for the fire at the Gladman Avenue house

An unattended candle was the cause of a garage fire at a house on Gladman Avenue in Newmarket Saturday morning.

Firefighters were able to contain the blaze to the garage after responding at about 10:40 a.m. Dec. 17, according to the Central York Fire Services incident report.

One occupant was taken to the hospital for an assessment that was unrelated to the fire.

The response involved five fire trucks, 22 firefighters, one command vehicle and two chief officers, as well as emergency responders from York Paramedic Services and York Regional Police, and utility companies. 

"Since the incident required most CYFS on duty resources, 'mutual aid' was initiated to ensure the community’s protection," the report said. "This meant that crews from our neighbouring fire services in Richmond Hill provided coverage in Aurora while crews were committed."

CYFS fire safety tips: Working smoke alarms and a home escape plan can save lives. Ontario law requires a homeowner to install and maintain working smoke alarms on every storey of a home and outside all sleeping areas. It is also law to have working carbon monoxide detectors outside sleeping areas. Residential fires burn quickly – the quicker you are alerted to smoke in a house, the more time you have to get occupants out to safety. 

Here are some candle-safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Never leave candles burning unattended.
  • Always snuff out candles before leaving the room or going to bed. 
  • Keep candles at least a foot away from anything that can burn. 
  • When possible, use flameless or faux candles. 

When a fire occurs, the top priority is to get outside. If possible, when you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire. Then, meet at a designated safe spot outside the home. Call 911 once you are safely outside.

Central York Fire Services encourages everyone to make and practise a home escape plan.

For information on fire prevention and safety, visit


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