Forty contestants, including Newmarket's Emily Cook, Sofia Jardine, Jessica Langford, and Lauren Law, vied for a chance to move on to the semi-finals of the provincewide Magna Hoedown Showdown talent contest yesterday in Aurora.
The singers who won a chance to compete in the preliminary round performed for judges Canadian country music artist Beverly Mahood, country music artist and 2016 Showdown winner Mac Shepherd, and Magna representative Steve Hinder.
The competitors came from across Ontario to take part in the day-long event at Theatre Aurora, in the hopes of being among the 20 semi-finalists who will take part in the Aug. 21 event. The finalists will perform Friday, Sept. 13 at the Magna Hoedown.
The Hoedown Showdown participants receive invaluable advice from industry professionals through the competition, which helps develop their music career, with the winner getting a grand prize valued at $25,000.
For Magna Hoedown tickets, visit here.