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Newmarket, York Region considering mandatory staff vaccinations, but not taking steps yet

'Newmarket, along with the other eight York Region municipalities, is in active discussions with York Region with respect to the prospect of mandatory vaccinations for municipal staff,' Newmarket CAO says
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York Region and its municipalities are discussing moving ahead with mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for staff, but are not taking that step yet.

Both the region and Town of Newmarket are encouraging staff and all residents to get COVID-19 vaccines. But no local municipalities have yet taken the step to mandate them for their staff or residents accessing municipal facilities.

But Newmarket CAO Ian McDougal said mandatory vaccines for staff is an option on the table.

“The town is committed to limiting the spread of COVID-19. Newmarket, along with the other eight York Region municipalities, is in active discussions with York Region with respect to the prospect of mandatory vaccinations for municipal staff,” McDougall said. “(We) will be in a better position to make decisions as we get more information from York Region Public Health.”

The City of Toronto and the TTC announced Aug. 19 that their municipal staff and transit drivers would be required to get COVID-19 vaccines by Oct. 30, or show proof of a medical exemption. 

Vaccine mandates have progressed in recent weeks, as more organizations implement tougher requirements in the wake of rising COVID-19 cases. The federal government announced last week all in its public service would be required to get vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the province announced more health and education workers would have to disclose vaccination status and do regular rapid testing if they fail to vaccinate, but fell short of mandating them for staff in those sectors.

York’s director of corporate communications, Patrick Casey, said the region requires COVID-19 vaccination for staff in long-term care homes, a medical reason for not being vaccinated, or completion of a COVID-19 vaccination educational session. He said the region is strongly encouraging vaccinations for other staff, but will not require it yet. 

“York Region continues to follow provincial directives currently in place regarding mandatory vaccination policies,” Casey said. “The region will continue to review our policies and assess if additional action for vaccine measures are required, especially once more regional staff return to a workplace facility.”

Newmarket also has yet to announce that any of its municipal facilities will require vaccination to access, which has caused some concern regarding the Newmarket Seniors’ Meeting Place. 

McDougall said residents are encouraged to book an appointment for COVID-19 vaccines or attend an array of pop-up clinics the region has run. More information is available at

“Our goal is to continue to foster a safe environment for both staff and the community,” McDougall said. 


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