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Newmarket to open open indoor recreational facilities July 19

Fitness Centre, Magna Centre pool set to open July 19
2020 04 01 magna centre crop
File photo/NewmarketToday

With the province progressing its reopening, the Town of Newmarket is announcing it will open the doors for its Fitness Centre and the Magna Centre pool starting July 19.

The municipality said it is taking a phased approach to reopening its amenities. The province is entering Step 3 of its pandemic reopening strategy July 16, which allows for indoor pools and gyms to open with 50 per cent capacity for the first time in months. 

"I am pleased that we are able to reopen some of our indoor recreational amenities to the public as soon as possible," Mayor John Taylor said. "With the COVID-19 numbers starting to come down due to an increase in vaccinations, it's now more important than ever that we continue this trend."

The municipality also announced the Newmarket Youth Centre and Sk8 Park would open July 26. It is also making one ice pad available at the Magna Centre for community groups.

Meanwhile, the Ray Twinney Recreational Complex is still being used as a vaccination centre and the Seniors' Meeting Place is being used as a COVID-19 assessment centre. Taylor has said the municipality is seeking alternative sites so it can reopen those facilities. 

Programming at the Magna Centre pool is starting July 19, including public swim, lane swim as well as parent and tot swimming. Though the Fitness Centre is resuming operations the same day, indoor fitness classes are expected to restart Aug. 3. 

Participants must register ahead of time for classes. Weekly registration opens each Sunday at 8 a.m. for the following week. Registration for July 19 slots will begin July 18 at 8 a.m. on


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