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Newmarket seeks input to transform north end of downtown core

Public invited to town's pop-up event, brainstorming session June 13 to help guide redevelopment on Main Street

The Town of Newmarket is redeveloping the north end of its downtown core and wants your input. 

The municipality is holding two public input events June 13 for a study on the south of Davis Drive area (SODA), which includes the north end of Main Street South and the side streets, including Queen Street and Ontario Street. 

“Tell us what you’d like to see in the future for this area,” the municipality said, adding it will “set out a vision for this area’s redevelopment.”

The study comes as part of the municipality’s official plan review process and was one of the preliminary recommendations for an area of key study. The area excludes the south end of Main, at about the Elman W. Campbell Museum.

Town consultant WSP will be asking residents about their current experiences, how to preserve heritage buildings and landscapes, what types of housing they would like to see and development opportunities.

The town will have a pop-up event outside the museum June 13, running from 10 to 11:30 a.m. to survey residents. Participants will get a coupon for one free drop-in swim, skate or gymnasium session at the Magna Centre, Ray Twinney Recreation Complex or Gorman Pool.

There will be a more in-depth brainstorm session by WSP at the Newmarket Community Centre June 13 from 12:40 to 3 p.m. Space is limited, and you can register by June 6 by contacting [email protected]

More details are available at


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