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Newmarket report calls for improvements to Main Street North

Improve roads and drainage system, study says of Newmarket's old Main Street area
A map of the area for a new study of Main Street North calling for improvements to the road and stormwater system.

A new report calls on the Town of Newmarket to move ahead with reconstruction plans for Main Street North. 

The town has completed a study that identifies issues with drainage and road conditions in the area. The municipal class environmental assessment study posted Jan. 30 makes a series of recommendations, including a new stormwater management system and reconstruction of Main Street North to an urban road.

“The preferred solution will provide an enhanced level of service to existing residents and meet all town standards and LSRCA requirements for new development areas,” the report said of road improvements to come.

The study is tied to the Old Main Street Tertiary Plan, the town’s vision for redeveloping the area. This study lays out what infrastructure will be required to help bring the redevelopment to life.

The area’s drainage system is an issue, according to the report. It identifies that although it can manage most weather events, it needs improvements to meet standards for major storm events that could occur once in 25 or 100 years.

To address this, the report recommends a new storm sewer and dry stormwater management pond to address the drainage area.

“This improved system will provide protection against flooding for residents for storm events up to the 100-year storm event,” the report said. 

The report further recommends road work, including a sidewalk and a road cross-section, to improve it and address residents’ concerns about speeding.

”The lack of traffic calming features and the lack of a centre-line marking could contribute to excessive speeding,” the report said.

The complete study is available through the municipal website

The study will be open for a commenting period lasting from Feb. 2 to March 6. All interested parties can provide comments to the project manager at [email protected] or mail comments to the Town of Newmarket, 395 Mulock Dr., Newmarket, ON, L3Y 4X7.


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