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Newmarket considers action on empty home, site of tragic death

Lands slated for future development; neighbours concerned by break-ins
An abandoned home on Bolton Avenue.

Cadence Health and Wellness owner Chris Dupee recalled his surprise when he came across blood near the entrance of his Davis Drive business recently.

He called police to investigate, who found the trail went to the abandoned former home at 22 Bolton Ave. in Newmarket. He said, most likely, someone injured themselves trying to get into the Bolton Avenue building, but then cut themselves badly and looked through his blue bins in search of something for first aid.

It is far from the only time Dupee has seen and heard of people getting into the neighbouring home slated to make way for a new development.

“I’ve seen a deterioration of the neighbourhood,” Dupee said regarding the building. “I have a lot of empathy for people living like that. I want them to be helped in a proper way. That’s no place to be for them.”

Some residents are questioning the continued presence of 22 Bolton Ave. after a fire there June 21. The home, along with its neighbouring 18 Bolton Ave., was evicted more than a year ago as developers prepared to build on the land. Along with 603 Davis Dr., the lands are set to be cleared to make way for a Sunrise Senior Living facility in the future.

Notably, 22 Bolton Ave. was also the site of a tragic drug-related death of Newmarket teen Krista Borley in 2023.

Dupee said he believes it is time for the home to get demolished.

“I don’t really see a sense of those buildings being up any longer,” he said, “considering the tragedy, specifically, and the potential for that happening again.”

A spokesperson with Sunrise Senior Living said plans for the building are still being worked on.

“Future plans for this property are still being finalized,” the spokesperson said. “However, proper security at this site remains a top priority and we are continuing to explore additional measures.”

Asked about the possible demolition of the building, the Town of Newmarket’s building department said it is under investigation.

“Central York Fire Services and the Town of Newmarket’s chief building official (are) reviewing the site to determine any appropriate actions,” the municipality said.

Building officials can push to demolish buildings that are run down enough. When the former Carpet One Building on Davis Drive sat for months with a roof ruined by a fire, the town issued an order for building code violations. In that case, the town demanded the owners either repair or demolish the building, or else the municipality would demolish it and expense the owner. But the demolition did not happen in that case until after a second fire destroyed the building.

Dupee posted about the fire at the Bolton Avenue home on social media and others chimed in regarding the demolition of the home.

“The town needs to take it down and build a garden or something for Krista, who died there,” one resident said. “Put a bench for her or something in her memory with a plaque.”