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Newmarket adds flash devices to speeding cameras

Devices meant to capture speeding when 'light is not sufficient'
A speed camera with an added flash devices on Clearmeadow Boulevard.

The Town of Newmarket is adding new flash devices to its automated speed cameras to better capture nighttime speeding.

The municipality has added additional devices onto the speed camera posts for its automated speed enforcement program. The posts are flash mechanisms, a recent upgrade from the town’s contractor.

The mechanism was added “to help with capturing images of those speeding during times of the day when light is not sufficient,” the town said. “This was previously done with infrared technology. As the community safety camera program continues to progress, the town and its contractor continue to look for ways to improve the current technology to curb speeding, alter driver behaviour and increase safety for the community.”

The town’s speed camera enforcement went live Oct. 19, after a warning period. The program has 14 cameras installed, about two per town ward, each near school zones to catch speeding as it happens. The program is aimed to curb speeding in the community, a common complaint heard by council. It is distinct from York Region’s own program, utilized on regional roads in Newmarket and across the region.

Speeding camera programs are continuing to expand throughout York Region. The regional municipality started installing fixed cameras in December, including outside Newmarket High School, as opposed to doing only rotating cameras. Bradford and Aurora are also piloting programs.

More information on the program is available at


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