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Linden MacIntyre to discuss newest novel at East Gwillimbury library event

Award-winning author will discuss The Winter Wives at the event hosted by Friends of the East Gwillimbury Library
2021 12 14 Linden MacIntyre
Linden MacIntyre, author of The Winter Wives, will discuss his new book in the virtual event.

Award-winning writer Linden MacIntyre is coming to a virtual event through Friends of the East Gwillimbury Library next month.  

The author and journalist has received a Scotiabank Giller Prize for The Bishop’s Man, 10 Gemini awards and an Emmy, and his memoir Causeway: A Passage from Innocence won the Edna Staebler Award and the Evelyn Richardson Award. 

Now MacIntyre will be taking part in the book chat on Thursday, Jan. 20 at 7 p.m. hosted by the not-for-profit organization that promotes literacy through the library and raises money. 

"All proceeds go to the East Gwillimbury Public Library. The Friends of the Library are sort of a volunteer committee that’s a fundraising arm of the East Gwillimbury Public Library," said Catherine Brydon, president of the group. 

At the approximately one-hour long event, which will be held via Zoom, MacIntyre will discuss his new book, The Winter Wives. The book is a psychological thriller that touches on crime, disability, dementia, love and delusion. 

The discussion will be moderated by Judy Penz Sheluk, president of the Crime Writers of Canada.

"We’ve found that it’s most successful to have a conversation between the author and the person and not always just me, not the same person all the time,” Brydon said. 

Sheluk is a mystery writer with a local connection through her Marketville Mysteries series. 

"She’s also a mystery writer herself and has written a series of mysteries that are set in Newmarket and Holland Landing," Brydon said. 

The audience will also have a chance to ask questions through the chat and have them answered after the discussion. 

"We found people really feel they know the author after their hour conversation that they’ve been a part of,” Brydon said. 

This is the fifth book chat in a series of virtual events, which helps raise money for the library. So far, $2,700 has been raised and they hope this event will bring them over $3,000. 

There are two ways to purchase tickets for the event and you do not have to be a member of the library or the group to attend. 

You can either buy online through their website or mail a cheque made out to East Gwillimbury Friends of the Library at PO Box 1701, Holland Landing, ON, L9N 1P2. 

You can buy a ticket for $12 or for $40 you will receive a copy of the book along with the ticket. Books must be picked up at the Holland Landing Library.  

There are only 100 spots available so if you are interested, Brydon recommends reserving your spot early. 

The link to the event will be sent out to participants on the Friday prior to the chat and on the day of.



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