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LETTER: Mayoral candidate accomplished much with little

Mayoral candidate Joe Wamback's wife, Lozanne, expresses her pride in his well-fought campaign and gratitude for the support of their volunteers, donors, voters and to the 3,000 residents who answered the door when they knocked.
Mayoral candidate Joe Wamback and wife Lozanne.

I am so proud of my husband, Joe Wamback, the most intelligent person I know.  He ran an impeccably clean campaign that was based almost entirely on his brilliant platform, which was composed by him alone.

Except for our wonderful 20 volunteers, we had very little help. We did not receive any endorsements or support from any businesses, organizations, associations, affiliations, political or otherwise in Newmarket.

Our donations were very few and I thank those who contributed.

In view of all this, it is so impressive that Joe was able to attain 4,800 votes with such little support.

Our campaign consisted almost exclusively on door knocking and Joe and I personally visited 9,250 homes.  Although most of you were out, we made contact with approximately 3,000 residents. The great majority of you were very polite and friendly and I thank you for making us feel at ease. To all of you who went so far as to invite us into your home, we were honoured to meet you.

Except for a few houses early in the campaign, we never asked residents to put up signs. In fact, unless we knew you, we did not ask, as we know that signs are a burden to most. The signs that were on lawns, apart from those of you whom we know, belonged to residents who called us directly requesting one. Thank you for your support.

To our 22 incredible volunteers, we love you and you are, and will always be, part of our family.  

Joe and I are moving on to our next venture, which will be of benefit to many  Canadians and we are happy to serve.

Lozanne Wamback, Newmarket


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