Have your say at the upcoming public information centre on the Bradford Bypass highway on Wednesday, Nov. 24.
The Bradford Bypass will be a 16.2-kilometre, controlled access freeway to connect Highway 400 and Highway 404 with proposed full and partial interchanges, and grade-separated crossings. The route extends from Highway 400 between the 8th Line and the 9th Line in Bradford West Gwillimbury, will cross a small portion of King Township, and will connect to Highway 404 between Queensville Sideroad and Holborn Road in East Gwillimbury.
The current study proposes preliminary design refinements to the route alignment and interchanges, design standard updates to the freeway interchanges and grade-separated crossings at local roads and watercourses, including new bridges over the Holland River and Holland River East branch. This project will also include design integration with planned work on Highway 400, such as the design development for the replacement of the 9th Line structure on Highway 400.
The preferred preliminary design alternatives will be presented at this second information meeting, which is being hosted virtually through the Zoom platform where you will be able to learn more about the preliminary design study and assessment of environmental impacts Nov. 24 from 7 to 9 p.m.
The Bradford Bypass project team will provide an overview of the project followed by a live comment and response period.
Registration is required to participate and can be completed on the project website.
Meeting materials will be made available on the project website for a two-week stakeholder review period beginning the morning of Nov. 24 and ending on Dec. 8, 2022.
A comment form can also be found online on the project website on Nov. 24 until Dec. 8, 2022.
As part of the project-specific assessment of environmental impacts under Ontario Regulation 697/21 and the 2002 Approved Environmental Assessment, the ministry will prepare and file a draft environmental impact assessment report, which will be made available for public review and comment, and will be posted to the project website.
For additional information or to be placed on the project contact list, contact the Project Team at [email protected] or 1-877-247-6036.