This long weekend, please remember to celebrate at home only with members of your immediate household in continued efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Central York Fire Services urges Newmarket and Aurora residents to consider first responder resources and user safety when deciding to use fireworks at home this Victoria Day long weekend.
“We are asking our community to adhere to public health guidelines and not to host any social gatherings, continue to physically distance by at least six feet and keep fire safety top of mind for the health of users, their family, and neighbours,” urges CYFS Chief Ian Laing. “Campfires and fireworks can be exciting and memorable if done right; however, a small misstep can lead to a dangerous outcome and put added pressure on our already strained health-care system.”
Avoid the temptation to gather with people outside your household. Physical distancing measures remain in place and residents are asked to stay vigilant. The towns of Newmarket and Aurora will be enforcing bylaws related to the emergency orders and fire safety.
Firework use, handling and disposal
Fireworks are NOT allowed on public property, including parks, streets, and open fields/spaces in Newmarket and Aurora. If you use fireworks at home, you must follow the rules and safety steps or risk fines for improper use. Before you set off fireworks, go through this checklist of rules and safety advice:
Rules & Regulations when using fireworks
- Property limits: You are only permitted to use fireworks on your own property and only if the front of your property is a minimum of 18 meters (59 ft.) wide. If you are renting, you must have written permission from the homeowner to use fireworks.
- Date: Fireworks are only permitted on specific dates per town.
- Newmarket residents: Victoria Day and Canada Day or on the day immediately preceding or on the day immediately after Victoria Day and Canada Day. (Victoria Day 2021: May 23, 24, and 25)
- Aurora residents: Victoria Day and Canada Day and the day immediately preceding Victoria Day and Canada Day. (Victoria Day 2021: May 24 and 25)
- Time: only use fireworks between dusk (approximately 9:30 p.m.) and 11 p.m.
- User: You must be 18 years of age or older to discharge fireworks.
Tips for safe use
- Buy from a reliable source: steer clear of illegal explosives and never make your own. Only sparkler fireworks, fountain fireworks, roman candles, and pinwheel fireworks are allowable for general consumer sale and use.
- Handle with caution: fireworks must be handled by an adult. Carefully read and follow directions on the label of fireworks packaging.
- Prepare the space: only use fireworks outside and have a water source handy and ready to use (buckets of water or garden hose turned on). Be aware and cautious of surrounding dry vegetation which can be flammable.
Igniting fireworks
- Keep children far away from the discharge site.
- Always aim the fireworks away from people and buildings.
- Never hold the fireworks in your hand when lighting or discharging.
- Do not smoke while handling or near fireworks.
- Light only one firework at a time.
- Never set off fireworks during strong winds
- Never re-light a dud firework. Wait 15 to 20 minutes, then soak the dud in a bucket of water
- Never throw or point fireworks at other people
- Wear eye protection
- Never have any part of your body over the firework
Clean up & disposal
- Pick up debris when finished and check for embers or smoldering materials. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper disposal of fireworks.
- Remember to be considerate of your neighbours and pets when using fireworks.
More long weekend fire safety resources
At this time, there is no fire ban in Newmarket or Aurora. However, we do not encourage residents to have campfires as they present a potential to get out of hand, putting added strain on first responders. If you do wish to have a campfire, please visit cyfs.ca/campfires to check if your property has the proper setbacks to safely enjoy a bonfire at your home.
Distracted cooking is the leading cause of house fires. With everyone home, people have been inspired to cook, bake and grill, more than usual. Learn how to prevent fires in the kitchen at cyfs.ca/cooking and tips on how to maintain your barbecue at cyfs.ca/grilling.
Whether you’re grilling on the barbecue, cooking on the stove, or campfire, never pour water onto a grease fire.
Be fire aware
- In the Province of Ontario, there has been a 65 per cent increase in fire fatalities between Jan. 1 and May 4 from previous years. CYFS asks residents to be extra fire aware and prepared this summer.
- Remember, whenever there is a flame, always have a water source on hand and ready for action. If the fire cannot be suppressed, alert others, evacuate, and then call 911 from a safe location.
For more information, safety tips, and links to Town by-laws, visit cyfs.ca