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Discovery of hunting knife under candy at Newmarket park ‘disturbing’

Mayor said situation not being taken lightly
2021-07-14-Knife under candy Newmarket-2-JQ
Newmarket residents discovered a hunting knife left under a piece of candy at Dr. Margaret Arkinstall Park July 14.

York Regional Police is investigating after a hunting knife was discovered under a piece of candy at Dr. Margaret Arkinstall Park in Newmarket July 14.

Resident Brandy Robertson said she found the knife tucked under a bench at the park gazebo. A small piece of wrapped candy was on top of it. 

She said, as a parent, the incident makes her angry.

“You’re putting kids in jeopardy of getting hurt,” Robertson said. “Really sad there would be someone who thought it would just be funny, or malicious.”

The knife was black, matching the bench’s colour, and tucked on top of a curved part, allowing it to blend in, Robertson said. She reported the find to Town of Newmarket staff, who took photographs and carried it away. She also called the police. 

“I will definitely be more aware of our surroundings when we go to parks,” she said. “God forbid, your kid steps on a knife or picks it up and runs and falls with it.” 

Newmarket Mayor John Taylor said the discovery of the knife is disturbing, but citizens and staff responded correctly.

“We’re obviously dealing with somebody who is very ill, in my opinion,” Taylor said. “Things like that happen in communities on occasion and you never take them lightly.”

Councillor Kelly Broome said on social media a police investigation is underway.

"Unfortunate to have had something like this happen," Broome said. "Truly hope we catch those responsible." 

A new splash pad opened at the park the previous day. Robertson said staff also had to clean up broken glass spread throughout the park that morning. 

Taylor said people should not assume the broken glass is connected to the hidden knife. He said, unfortunately, cleaning up glass and other litter is frequent for park staff.

“We’re having a challenge right now keeping our parks clean,” he said. “Really asking everybody in the community to try and keep our parks clean, and to try to respect the town and community that surrounds these parks.”

The park, and its new splash pad, are staying open, though Taylor said the municipality is watching over the situation.

Robertson said it seems unlikely the perpetrator will be found, but the incident serves as a warning.

“People are being more relaxed with stage 3 opening. More people are going out, more people are socializing together,” she said. “Maybe we do have to be a little bit on guard with our surroundings.”


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