The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority is warning of higher water levels and flood risk as warmer weather and rainfall arrive over the next few days.
The authority said that with temperatures expected to range between 7C and 15C, and rainfall of 15 to 30 millimetres, it means higher risks at local watercourses.
“Watercourses will be flowing higher than normal, causing local streams and rivers to become dangerous, especially in the vicinity of culverts and bridges. Children and pets should be warned to stay away from all watercourses,” the authority said.
The flood outlook notice is made in advance to warn of potential flooding based on weather forecasts. This outlook is in effect until March 18, at 10:30 a.m.
However, the authority said widespread flooding is not expected, though “the possibility for flooding in various low-lying areas of the watershed exists due to the expected rainfall and melting of the remaining snowpack.”
More information is available through the authority website or by calling 905-895-1281.