Two Huron Heights Secondary School students are among 16 students from across York Region District School Board to be recognized with Celebrating Student Success awards this year.
Aliyah Marinez has been involved with the Peace Club at her Newmarket high school, participated in the board's Black Excellence program and is a big supporter of various community events and fundraisers.
"She also has a very natural fundamental leadership ability," said Erik Gordon, principal at Huron Heights.
Marinez said one of her goals is that "everyone feels equal to each other and no one is discriminated against."
She participated in the board's Black Excellence program, which provides students an identity-affirming space to explore interests and connect with peers. But what Marinez said she is most proud of is "advocating for Black voices within the school and being a part of the People of Colour Alliance we have here."
In the future, she plans to do more in art and fashion, especially around inclusion for People of Colour and plus size people.
"I want to be more known as someone that is friendly, someone who people are comfortable around and I hope for people to know me as someone that will look out for others," she said.
Kylie Morgan has served as student council president in her Grade 12 year at Huron Heights.
That's just one of the ways she has been involved in her school, but according to her teacher, Jennifer Foster, there are too many things to even name.
"Kylie is a natural-born leader who fosters the well-being of her peers. She strives to build collaborative relationships with her peers and teachers through her school involvement," Foster said.
She added that Morgan stands out for her maturity, compassion, empathy and social intelligence.
"Truly, I am proud to know her, to have seen her grow and I'm thrilled to see where she goes next," Foster said.
Morgan said she was inspired to get involved with the community after hearing how great and supportive it was from her older brother, who has autism and attended Huron before her.
"When I came to Huron I thought 'hey, why not seize this opportunity to give back to the school.' It's such a great place to be, why wouldn't I want to be included in it," Morgan said.
She said she wants to make a difference in everything she does.
They were celebrated along with the other 14 students at the annual Celebrating Student Success dinner and awards ceremony on April 26.
"Education is truly a partnership of schools, families and community," said Ron Lynn, chair of the YRDSB board. “We celebrate the achievements of this year’s recipients, as well as the efforts of educators and family members across York Region who support students everyday with their classwork, homework, projects and community involvement.”
The following 16 students were recognized:
- Anastasia Mouratidis, student at King City SS in King City
- Aijah DeLeon-Hurley, student at Markham Gateway PS in Markham
- Ainsley Smith, student at Sutton DHS in Sutton
- Aliyah Marinez, student at Huron Heights SS in Newmarket
- Archana Shivraj, student at Boxwood PS in Markham
- Aviad Omozusi, student at Bayview Hill ES in Richmond Hill
- Ezra Adesakin, student at Ross Doan PS in Richmond Hill
- Grayson Gurevich, student at Langstaff SS in Richmond Hill
- Jay Taimish, student at Bayview SS in Richmond Hill
- Jenny Pei, student at Thornhill SS in Thornhill
- Kristian Temelkovski, student at Keswick PS in Keswick
- Kylie Morgan, student at Huron Heights SS in Newmarket
- Mahaara Bhimani, student at Bayview Hill ES in Richmond Hill
- Quinnton Hyde, student at Milliken Mills HS in Unionville
- Shakira Rodriguez, student at Emily Carr SS in Woodbridge
- Yuli Rodriguez, student at Markham DHS in Markham